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Millburn: Complete Streets Initiative


Key Stats


Township of Millburn


Millburn, NJ

Key Staff

David Lustberg, Principal in Charge
James Ribaudo, Project Manager

Design Team

Arterial, Sam Schwartz Engineering

Project Status

Complete 2017

Total Project Size


Construction Cost



Community Outreach, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture, Traffic Engineering Transportation Planning, Construction Documentation, Construction Observation

Point of Contact

Martha Callahan, Assistant Township Engineer, 973.564.7052,

The Township of Millburn sought to undertake a complete streets initiative to better balance the needs of all users of their downtown. Previously, the downtown was hindered by congestion and was a dangerous place for pedestrians, as evidenced by the high volume of crashes.

Arterial teamed with Sam Schwartz to initiate a comprehensive study of the entire downtown which included a detailed transportation and urban design analysis. From this analysis, a number of streetscape and traffic calming design features were recommended. These recommendations were communicated extensively to the public through a series of community meetings. These features included narrowed travel lanes, reduction in the number of travel lanes, intersection bump-outs, mid-block crosswalks, traffic signal coordination, parking lot access and identification improvements, reverse angle parking, stormwater planters and significant improvements to the pedestrian amenities throughout the downtown.

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