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Nutley ON3 Development

Key Stats


Township of Nutley


Nutley, NJ

Key Staff

David Lustberg, Principal in Charge
James Ribaudo, Project Manager

Design Team


Project Status

Completed 2019

Total Project Size

Construction Cost



Design Guidelines

Point of Contact

Phil Abramson, Principal, Topology, 973.370.3000,

The ON3 redevelopment plan recognizes the growing preference and demand for a work environment that has easy access to dining, fitness, and entertainment opportunities. These are characteristics that, until recently, have been associated solely with downtowns. Following ‘new urbanist’ principles, the ON3 redevelopment plan aims to turn the former ROCHE campus into a mixed-use center with office, residential, retail, and entertainment.

For this project, Arterial advised Topology, the redevelopment planners, on ON3’s street layout and configuration. The team developed a series of alternative designs for Metro Boulevard, which lies at the center of the ON3 campus and provides direct access to Route 3 and Kingsland Street. The concept is anchored in creating a destination for the town of Nutley to enjoy. Metro Boulevard would be a true public space for the community and serve as a catalyst for the development of the Nichols Greenway: a seamless connection between the ON3 campus and Downtown Nutley.

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